Mostrando ítems 2281-2300 de 11592

    • Association between the Risk of Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight with Periodontal Disease in Pregnant Women: An Umbrella Review 

      Padilla-Cáceres, Tania; Arbildo-Vega, Heber Isac; Caballero-Apaza, Luz; Cruzado-Oliva, Fredy; Mamani-Cori, Vilma; Cervantes-Alagón, Sheyla; Munayco-Pantoja, Evelyn; Panda, Saurav; Vásquez-Rodrigo, Hernán; Castro-Mejía, Percy; Huaita-Acha, Delsi (MDPI, 2023-03-07)
      Acceso abierto
      Background: The purpose of this review is to determine the association between the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight in newborns and periodontal disease in pregnant women. Methods: A bibliographic search was carried ...
    • Aplicación web progresiva para la gestión de pedidos en una empresa privada, Lima 2022 

      Polanco Erroch, Fernando; Quispe Rojas, Jenner Ricardo (Universidad Norbert Wiener, 2023-06-30)
      Acceso abierto
      El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar como una aplicación web progresiva mejora la gestión de pedidos en una empresa privada, con el fin de usar una solución tecnológica para solucionar los problemas ...
    • Proposición de implementación de una herramienta CRM para optimizar la administración comercial en una compañía privada, Lima 2022 

      Valdivia León, Bruno Luis Aníbal (Universidad Norbert Wiener, 2023-06-03)
      Acceso abierto
      El estudio tuvo como propósito plantear la implementación de una herramienta CRM para perfeccionar la gestión comercial en una compañía privada, Lima 2022. La sistemática manejada se encuadró en el enfoque combinado, ...
    • Estrategias de benchmarking para el posicionamiento de farmacias en Lima Metropolitana - 2022 

      Dueñas Flores, Susan Marlene; Tirado Risco, Fiorella Brigitte (Universidad Norbert Wiener, 2023-04-27)
      Acceso abierto
      Se propuso como objetivo determinar la relación entre las estrategias de Benchmarking y el posicionamiento de farmacias en Lima Metropolitana – 2022. Se consideró un estudio de método hipotético deductivo de enfoque ...
    • Impact of COVID-19 on quality of life in Peruvian older adults: construct validity, reliability and invariance of the COV19-Impact on Quality of Life (COV19-QoL) measurement 

      Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Vilca,  Lindsey W; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Gallegos , Miguel; Carranza Esteban ,  Renzo; Noe-Grijalva,  Martin; Arias Gallegos,  Walter L; Delgado-Campusano, Mariel; Muñoz-Del-Carpio-Toia,  Águeda (SPRINGER INT PUBL AG, 2023-05-22)
      Acceso abierto
      The aim of the present study was to translate into Spanish and evaluate the psychometric evidence of the Impact on Quality of Life (COV19-QoL) applied to a sample of Peruvian older adults (N = 298; 58.1% women, 41.9% men, ...
    • Latin American perceptions of fear and exaggeration transmitted by the media with regard to COVID-19: frequency and association with severe mental pathologies 

      Mejia, Christian R.; Aveiro-Róbalo, Telmo Raul; Garlisi Torales, Luciana Daniela; Castro Hidalgo, Verónica Alejandra; Valeriano, Jhino; Ibarra-Montenegro, David Alfonso; Conde-Escobar, Aram; Sánchez-Soto, Fernanda; Canaviri-Murillo, Yuliana; Oliva-Ponce, María; Serna-Alarcón, Victor; Vilela-Estrada, Martín A.; Arias-Chávez, Dennis (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2023-05-17)
      Acceso abierto
      Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the spread of abundant misinformation by the media, which caused fear and concern. Objective: To determine the association between the pathologies of the mental sphere and ...
    • Association between childhood trauma and mental health disorders in adolescents during the second pandemic wave of COVID-19, Chiclayo-Peru 

      Valladares-Garrido, Mario J. ; León-Figueroa, Darwin A. ; Dawson, Franccesca M. ; Burga-Cachay, Stefany C. ; Fernandez-Canani, Maria A. ; Failoc-Rojas, Virgilio E. ; Pereira-Victorio, César Johan ; Valladares-Garrido, Danai ;  Inga-Berrospi, Fiorella (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2023-06-22)
      Acceso abierto
      Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected mental health, with children and adolescents being particularly vulnerable. Evidence on the association between childhood trauma and mental health outcomes in ...
    • Antigen-Induced IL-1RA Production Discriminates Active and Latent Tuberculosis Infection 

      Sanchez, Cesar; Jaramillo-Valverde, Luis; Capristano, Silvia; Solis, Gilmer; Soto, Alonso; Valdivia-Silva, Julio; Poterico, Julio A.; Guio, Heinner (MDPI, 2023-05-25)
      Acceso abierto
      The IGRA (Interferon Gamma Release Assays) test is currently the standard specific test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection status. However, a positive test cannot distinguish between active tuberculosis disease (ATBD) ...
    • Frontline Worker Safety in the Age of COVID-19: A Global Perspective 

      Kavanagh, Kevin T;  Matthias Maiwald, Christine Pontus ; Cimiotti, Jeannie P; Palmieri , Patrick A; Cormier, Lindsay E (LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, 2023-05-10)
      Acceso abierto
      The third annual Health Watch USA sm webinar conference assembled 16 speakers from 4 continents who shared information regarding frontline worker safety in the age of COVID-19. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported ...
    • SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence on the north coast of Peru: A cross-sectional study after the first wave 

      Moyano, Luz M.; Toledo, Angie K.; Chirinos, Jenny; Vilchez Barreto, Percy Mc Quen; Cavalcanti, Sofia; Gamboa, Ricardo; Ypanaque, Jhon; Meza, Mauro; Noriega, Sheilla; Herrera, Victor; Bazan, Edgar; Requena, Alexandra; Silva, Henry; Burgos, Harold; León-Jimenez, Franco (PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2023-06-28)
      Acceso abierto
      During the first wave, COVID-19 had devastating effects on developing countries like Peru, which reported more than 900,000 cases of the disease and more than 36,000 confirmed deaths from it. The informal settlements are ...
    • Preliminary Study of Bioelectricity Generation Using Lettuce Waste as Substrate by Microbial Fuel Cells 

      Rojas-Villacorta, Walter; Rojas-Flores, Segundo; Benites, Santiago M.; Nazario-Naveda, Renny; Romero, Cecilia V.; Gallozzo-Cardenas, Moisés; Delfín-Narciso, Daniel; Díaz, Félix; Murga-Torres, Emzon (MDPI, 2023-06-30)
      Acceso abierto
      Agricultural waste negatively impacts the environment and generates economic difficulties for agro-industrial companies and farmers. As a result, it is necessary for an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to managing ...
    • Fear of COVID-19, risk perception and preventive behavior in health workers: a cross-sectional analysis in middle-income Latin American countries 

      Bonilla-Asalde, César Antonio; Rivera-Lozada, Oriana ;  Ipanaqué-Zapata, Miguel; Siprian Castro-Alzate, Elvis ; Pacheco-Lopez, Robinson ; Rivera-lozada, Isabel Cristina ; Chong, Félix ; Ramírez Sagastume, Lucrecia  (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2023-06-15)
      Acceso abierto
      The aim of this study was to examine the association between fear of COVID-19 and risk perception with preventive behavior in health professionals from four Latin American countries. An analytical cross-sectional study was ...
    • When COVID-19 strikes mental health: a measurement analysis of reassurance seeking behavior scale in Peruvian population 

      Manrique-Millones, Denisse; García-Serna, Jackeline; Castillo-Blanco, Ronald; Fernández-Ríos, Nataly; Lizarzaburu-Aguinaga, Danny Alonso; Parihuamán-Quinde, Geraldina Rebeca; Villarreal-Zegarra, David (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2023-04-17)
      Acceso abierto
      Background: The long-lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be overstated. To combat its dire consequences, some screening measures have been hastily developed and require robust verification to explore their ...
    • Use of Kiwi Waste as Fuel in MFC and Its Potential for Use as Renewable Energy 

      Rojas-Flores, Segundo; De La Cruz-Noriega, Magaly; Cabanillas-Chirinos, Luis; Benites, Santiago M.; Nazario-Naveda, Renny; Delfín-Narciso, Daniel; Gallozzo-Cardemas, Moisés; Murga-Torres, Emzon; Rojas-Villacorta, Walter; Díaz, Felix (MDPI, 2023-04-12)
      Acceso abierto
      This research aimed to use kiwi waste as fuel to generate bioelectricity through microbial fuel cells. It was possible to generate an electrical current and voltage peaks of 3.807 ± 0.102 mA and 0.993 ± 0.061 V on day 11, ...
    • Translation and validation of the WHO-5 General well-being index into native language Quechua of the Peruvian South 

      Carranza Esteban, Renzo Felipe; Mamani-Benito,  Oscar; Cjuno, Julio; Tito-Betancur, Madona; Lingán-Huamán, Susana K; Arias-Chávez, Dennis (CELL PRESS, 2023-06-01)
      Acceso abierto
      To translate and validate the WHO-5 General Well-being Index for the people of the Peruvian South, a cross-sectional instrumental study was carried out with the voluntary participation of 186 people of both sexes between ...
    • Factores asociados a la capacidad científica-académica básica en estudiantes de medicina de Latinoamérica 

      Valladares-Garrido, Mario J.; Serrano, Felipe T.; Guarnizo-Llacsahuanga, Jose; Rivera-Pinto, Alix Ximena; Valladares-Garrido, Danai; Mejía, Christian R. (UNIV ANTIOQUIA, FAC MED, 2022-09-26)
      Acceso abierto
      “Introducción: existe evidencia limitada en cuanto al entrenamiento estudiantil en capacidades científicas y académicas esenciales para la formación médica. Objetivo: identificar los factores asociados a la capacidad ...
    • Electrochemical Sensitivity Improvement by the Cooperation between Pt and Ru for Total Antioxidant Evaluation in Natural Extracts 

      Carvalho Diniz, Gustavo; Rodrigues Pinheiro Gomes, Vinicius Tribuzi; De Assis, Marcelo; Figueroa, Santiago José Alejandro; Ferreira Torquato, Igor; De Freitas Borge, Luiz Gustavo; Aguilar Vitorino, Hector; Batista de Lima, Roberto; Suller Garcia, Marco Aurélio; De Araujo Rodrigues, Isaíde (MDPI, 2023-05-23)
      Acceso abierto
      Herein, a straightforward electrochemical method was used to evaluate the total phenolic antioxidant capacity in natural extracts prepared from pomegranate, hibiscus, and pitaya. In light of this, the well-known electrochemical ...
    • Green Energy Generated in Single-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells Using Tomato Waste 

      Rojas-Flores, Segundo; De La Cruz-Noriega, Magaly; Cabanillas-Chirino, Luis; Benites, Santiago M.; Nazario-Naveda, Renny; Delfín-Narciso, Daniel; Gallozzo-Cardena, Moisés; Murga-Torres, Emzon; Rojas-Villacorta, Walter; Diaz, Félix (MDPI, 2023-07-03)
      Acceso abierto
      This research used tomato waste as a substrate (fuel) in Single Chamber-Microbial Fuel Cells (scMFC) on a small scale. The electrochemical properties were monitored, the functional groups of the substrate were analyzed by ...
    • The Age of Young Nurses Is a Predictor of Burnout Syndrome during the Care of Patients with COVID-19 

      Moya-Salazar, Jeel; Buitrón, Liliana A.; Goicochea, Eliane A.; Salazar, Carmen R.; Moya-Salazar, Belén; Contreras-Pulache, Hans (MDPI, 2023-04-17)
      Acceso abierto
      Background: Burnout Syndrome (BS) is a work fatigue phenomenon that leads to physical exhaustion during care work, and there could be an increase in the proportion of nurses affected during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially ...
    • Processes of communication and dissemination of science: the challenges of science policy guidelines in Colombia 

      Niño-Sandova, Yaddy; Alvarez-Risco, Aldo ; Simbaqueba-Uribe, John ; Del-Aguila-Arcentales, Shyla ;  Villalobos-Alvarez, Diego; Yañez, Jaime A.  (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2023-05-19)
      Acceso abierto
      “Introduction: The present study aims to identify the characteristics of public policy relating to the Social Appropriation of Knowledge (SAK) in Colombia, generated between 2020 and 2021, on the communication and dissemination ...