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Publicación Acceso abierto 3D Bitemark Analysis in Forensic Odontology Utilizing a Smartphone Camera and Open-Source Monoscopic Photogrammetry Surface Scanning(Association of Support to Oral Health Research (APESB), 2023-01) Kurniawan, Arofi; Chusid, An’nisaa; Utomo, Haryono; Istiqomah Marini, Maria; Novia Rizky, Rizky; Widayati Prakoeswa, Beshlina Fitri; Hamdani, Janice; Salazar-Gamarra, Rodrigo; Lauria Dib, Luciano; Alias, Aspalilah; Putera Mohd Yusof, Mohd. Yusmiaidil; Marya, Anand“Bitemark analysis is a challenging procedure in the field of criminal case investigation. The unique characteristics of dentition are used to find the best match between the existing patterned injury and the suspected perpetrator in bitemark identification. Bitemark analysis accuracy can be influenced by various factors, including biting pressure, tooth morphology, skin elasticity, dental cast duplication, timing, and image quality. This review article discusses the potential of a smartphone camera as an alternative method for 3D bitemark analysis. Bitemark evidence on human skin and food should be immediately recorded or duplicated to retrieve long-lasting proof, allowing for a sufficient examination period. Various studies utilizing twodimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) technologies have been developed to obtain an adequate bitemark analysis. 3D imaging technology provides accurate and precise analysis. However, the currently available method using an intraoral scanner (IOS) requires high-cost specialized equipment and a well-trained operator. The numerous advantages of monoscopic photogrammetry may lead to a novel method of 3D bitemark analysis in forensic odontology. Smartphone cameras and monoscopic photogrammetry methodology could lead to a novel method of 3D bitemark analysis with an efficient cost and readily available equipment.“Publicación Acceso abierto Las 3S para mejorar la satisfacción laboral del área de producción en una empresa metalmecánica, Lima 2019.(Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, 2019-12-18) Avila Cornelio, Jackeline Janeth; Carhuancho Mendoza, Irma MilagrosEl presente estudio, titulado “Las 3S para mejorar la satisfacción laboral del área de producción en una empresa metalmecánica, Lima 2019”, se ejecutó con el objetivo de proponer estrategias para mejorar la complacencia del trabajador. El estudio se estableció a través del sintagma holístico, el enfoque que se utilizó fue mixto, de tipo proyectiva, se aplicó nivel comprensivo, se instituyó el método inductivo-deductivo. Cabe resaltar que, en un inicio la población y muestra estuvo conformada por 63 personas, luego se optó por encuestar la cantidad de 44 trabajadores debido que la empresa se encontraba con carga de producción. Las entrevistas estuvieron conformadas por el jefe de producción, asistenta contable y comercial. Luego, se utilizó el cuestionario elaborado por Sonia Palma, para el procesamiento y estudio del enfoque cuantitativo fue mediante el diagrama de Pareto, Software SPSS y para el análisis cualitativa se empleó el Atlas.ti8. Como resultado, se evidenció que los factores que afectan la satisfacción laboral son la falta de compañerismo, ausencia de incentivos laborales y la deficiencia en la predisposición de los jefes con sus empleados. Por tal motivo, se determinó un conjunto de actividades que facilitarán en la solución de cada problema.Publicación Acceso abierto “5G Technology in the Digital Transformation of Healthcare, a Systematic Review“(MDPI, 2023-02-09) Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael; Pérez-Martínez, Jorge; Yáñez, Jaime A.“The world is currently facing one of the biggest problems related to health and the quality of healthcare. According to the goals outlined by WHO in the blueprint for sustainable development (SDG3), one of its objectives is to achieve universal health coverage and ensure a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, it is important to monitor and track the impact of applications that help address this problem. This systematic review provides an analysis of the impact of the 5G network on the use of apps to improve healthcare. An analysis of 343 articles was performed, obtaining 66 relevant articles, the articles were categorized into research conducted with fiber optic backbone network as well as future research. The main medical applications were identified as: telesurgery, mobile ultrasound, biosensor technology, robotic surgery and connected ambulance. In addition, it is classified and answer questions such as the most used to improve medical care and health quality, 5G-based applications used in media to improve medical care and health quality, databases and programming languages in telemedicine are the most used in 5G-based applications, the functionality available for telemedicine based on the use of 5G-based applications.“Publicación Acceso abierto “5G Technology in the Digital Transformation of Healthcare, a Systematic Review“(MDPI, 2023-02-09) Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael; Pérez-Martínez, Jorge; Yáñez, Jaime A.“The world is currently facing one of the biggest problems related to health and the quality of healthcare. According to the goals outlined by WHO in the blueprint for sustainable development (SDG3), one of its objectives is to achieve universal health coverage and ensure a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, it is important to monitor and track the impact of applications that help address this problem. This systematic review provides an analysis of the impact of the 5G network on the use of apps to improve healthcare. An analysis of 343 articles was performed, obtaining 66 relevant articles, the articles were categorized into research conducted with fiber optic backbone network as well as future research. The main medical applications were identified as: telesurgery, mobile ultrasound, biosensor technology, robotic surgery and connected ambulance. In addition, it is classified and answer questions such as the most used to improve medical care and health quality, 5G-based applications used in media to improve medical care and health quality, databases and programming languages in telemedicine are the most used in 5G-based applications, the functionality available for telemedicine based on the use of 5G-based applications.“Publicación Acceso abierto 5S para mejorar el proceso y control de los productos e inventario en una empresa industrial, Lima 2020(Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, 2020-11-27) Canchari Huaranga, Samuel Ernesto; Vargas Merino, Jorge AlbertoLa siguiente investigación se realizó con el fin de conocer los principales problemas que existen en área de almacén, para así poder determinar las posibles soluciones, empleando métodos y técnicas donde ayude mejorar los procesos del área, donde se tendrá que reorganizar y reestructurar las actividades que se está empleando. Se desarrolló un análisis integro usando el enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo, para así poder realizar un informe de diagnóstico final. Los datos se obtendrá de algunos miembros de la organización para realizar las encuentras y entrevistas, donde se detectó que los principales problemas que existen son: a) no existe una estructura y diseño de orden dentro del almacén de repuestos, b) Falta de información oportuna al momento de solicitar algún repuesto y c) Falta de espacio para el abastecimiento de los repuestos que están ingresando al almacén, para solucionar estos principales problemas dentro de la organización, se plantearon actividades, procesos, diagrama de Gantt, plan y cronograma de actividades, indicadores y reportes de lo que ingresa y sale del almacén. Con el fin de mejorar las observaciones dentro del almacén, como solución se desarrollará capacitaciones a los personales de cada área, implementar estrategias para mejorar el proceso y plan de abastecimiento.Publicación Acceso abierto A bibliometric analysis of 47-years of research on public health in Peru(Modestum LTD, 2023-03-21) Sevillano-Jimenez, Javier; Carrión-Chambilla, Mario; Espinoza-Lecca, Eduardo; Mori-Quispe, Elizabeth; Contreras-Pulache, Hans; Moya-Salazar, Jeel“Objectives: To measure Peruvian scientific production on public health in Scopus database. Methods: Bibliometric study using advanced Scopus web search engine (https://www.scopus.com/search/ form.uri?display=advanced). The inclusion criteria were the publications of articles related to public health between 1973 and 2020. The equation was used as a strategy: TITLE-ABS-CLAVE (“public health”) AND AFFILCOUNTRY (Peru) AND (EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2021) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2020)). SCImago journal & country rank was used to determine the impact factor (h-index) and the quartile of the journals identified. The analysis included in SPSS v24.0 included years of publication, institutions, h-index, list of authors with the most publications, publication types, and journals. Results: 903 articles published by 7.5±12.5 authors were included, showing that 74.5% were original articles written mainly in English (77.7%). The publications for the year 1973 and 2019 were 3 (0.3%) and 98 (10.9%), respectively. In addition, it was shown that the most productive institutions were the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (42.9%) and the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (13.1%). The journal with the highest number of Peruvian publications was Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública (RPMESP) [Peruvian Journal of Experimental Medicine and Public Health (PJEMPH)] (17.5%) and PLoS ONE (2.88%). Conclusions: The present study showed in the magazines with the highest number of citations and therefore greater visualization, where Peruvian publications in this area were published, with this the future readers can take these magazines into consideration so that their publications have a greater visualization. In addition to this, the study shows the largest institutions that have a great impact on Peruvian publications in public health in Scopus, this invites researchers to analyze the research methodologies that these institutions follow in order to disclose them for reproduction in new entities interested in research.“Publicación Acceso abierto A cross-sectional study to assess the level of satisfaction with virtual education in Peruvian medical students(Frontiers SA, 2022-10-06) Grados-Espinoza, Pamela; Zila-Velasque, J Pierre; Soriano-Moreno, David R; Regalado-Rodríguez, Kateriny Margot; Sosa-Nuñez, Frank; Barzola-Farfán, William; Gronerth, Jim; Guizado, Lucia; Mejia, Christian R“Objectives: Education has totally changed in the context of the pandemic. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the factors associated with the level of satisfaction with virtual education in Peruvian medical students during COVID-19. Methods: Analytical and cross-sectional study, based on an online survey of students nationwide. We use previously validated instruments to measure the level of satisfaction and stress (EPP-10-c) of students with virtual education. For the associated factors, adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated using Poisson regression. Results: Of the 1,878 students surveyed, the median age was 21 years, 57.8% (1,086) were women, 34.8% (654) had a high level of satisfaction with virtual education and 10.7% (202) presented high levels of stress. The factors associated with a low level of satisfaction were attending the fifth year of study, the partial and non-virtual adaptation of the university to virtual education, and a high level of stress. On the other hand, the factors associated with a high level of satisfaction were the education platform used and the study method used. Conclusion: Seven out of 10 students presented a low level of satisfaction with virtual education, 1 out of 10 presented a high level of stress. The factors associated with the low level of satisfaction were attending the fifth year of study, the non-virtual and partial adaptation of the university to virtual education, and the high level of stress.“Publicación Acceso abierto A cross-sectional study to assess the level of satisfaction with virtual education in Peruvian medical students(Frontiers Media S.A., 2022-10-05) Grados-Espinoza, Pamela; Zila-Velasque, J. Pierre; Soriano-Moreno, David R.; Regalado-Rodríguez, Kateriny Margot; Sosa-Nuñez, Frank; Barzola-Farfán, William; Gronerth, Jim; Guizado, Lucia; Mejia, Christian R.“Objectives: Education has totally changed in the context of the pandemic. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the factors associated with the level of satisfaction with virtual education in Peruvian medical students during COVID-19. Methods: Analytical and cross-sectional study, based on an online survey of students nationwide. We use previously validated instruments to measure the level of satisfaction and stress (EPP-10-c) of students with virtual education. For the associated factors, adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated using Poisson regression. Results: Of the 1,878 students surveyed, the median age was 21 years, 57.8% (1,086) were women, 34.8% (654) had a high level of satisfaction with virtual education and 10.7% (202) presented high levels of stress. The factors associated with a low level of satisfaction were attending the fifth year of study, the partial and non-virtual adaptation of the university to virtual education, and a high level of stress. On the other hand, the factors associated with a high level of satisfaction were the education platform used and the study method used. Conclusion: Seven out of 10 students presented a low level of satisfaction with virtual education, 1 out of 10 presented a high level of stress. The factors associated with the low level of satisfaction were attending the fifth year of study, the non-virtual and partial adaptation of the university to virtual education, and the high level of stress.“Publicación Acceso abierto A Functional Assessment Tool to Distinguish Controls From Alzheimer’s Disease in Lima, Peru(SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, 2022) Custodio, Nilton; Montesinos, Rosa; Chambergo-Michilot, Diego; Herrera-Perez, Eder; Pintado-Caipa, Maritza; Seminario, Wendy; Cuenca, Jose; Mesía, Laura; Failoc-Rojas, Virgilio E; Diaz, Monica MBackground: The Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living (ADCS-ADL) scale is a versatile functional assessment tool for patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We evaluated its performance in controls, Peruvians with MCI or AD. Methods: A cross-sectional study of older adults attending a neurology institute in Lima (Peru) with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), AD or cognitively healthy. Test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC; internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha) and validity were assessed. Results: We enrolled 276 individuals (AD: 113, MCI: 68, controls: 95) with no age, sex, educational level, and depressive symptom differences. Reliability was ideal (ICC: .996), and Cronbach’s alpha was adequate (.937). The ADCS-ADL could not differentiate MCI from controls but did differentiate AD severity. The ADCS-ADL correlated highly with nearly all tools. Conclusions: The ADCS-ADL scale is reliable in a population with AD in Lima, Peru. Future work may validate a tool for Peruvians with lower educational levels.Publicación Acceso abierto A Functional Assessment Tool to DistinguishControls From Alzheimer’s Disease in Lima,Peru(SAGE Publications Inc., 2022-06-03) Custodio, Nilton; Montesinos, Rosa; Chambergo-Michilot, Diego; Herrera-Perez, Eder; Pintado-Caipa, Maritza; Seminario, Wendy; Cuenca, José; Mesía, Laura; Failoc-Rojas, Virgilio E; Diaz, Monica MBackground:The Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living (ADCS-ADL) scale is a versatile functionalassessment tool for patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We evaluated its performance in controls, Peruvians with MCI orAD.Methods:A cross-sectional study of older adults attending a neurology institute in Lima (Peru) with mild cognitive impairment(MCI),ADor cognitively healthy. Test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC; internal consistency, Cronbach’salpha) and validity were assessed.Results:We enrolled 276 individuals (AD: 113, MCI: 68, controls: 95) with no age, sex, educational level, and depressivesymptom differences. Reliability was ideal (ICC: .996), and Cronbach’s alpha was adequate (.937). The ADCS-ADL could notdifferentiate MCI from controls but did differentiateADseverity. The ADCS-ADL correlated highly with nearly all tools.Conclusions:The ADCS-ADL scale is reliable in a population withADin Lima, Peru. Future work may validate a tool forPeruvians with lower educational levels.Publicación Acceso abierto A nationwide pilot study on breast cancer screening in Peru(CANCER INTELLIGENCE LTD, 2023-01-09) Araujo, Jhajaira M.; Gómez, Andrea C.; Zingg-De Jongh, Winston; Ausejo, Jhon; Córdova, Iván; Schwarz, Luis J.; Bretel, Denisse; Fajardo, Williams; Saravia-Huarca, Luis G.; Barboza-Meca, Joshuan; Morante, Zaida; Guillén, Juan R.; Gómez, Henry; Cárdenas, Nadezhda K.; Hernández, Lady; Melo, Walter; Villarreal-Garza, Cynthia; Caglevic, Christian; Palacio, Carolina; García, Héctor; Mejía, Gerson; Flores, Claudio; Vallejos, Carlos; Pinto, Joseph A.“Introduction: A high prevalence of advanced breast cancer (BC) is a common scenario in Latin America. In Peru, the frequency of BC at Stages III/IV is ≈50% despite implementation of a programme for breast cancer screening (BCS) along the country. We carried out a study to assess the feasibility and develop an instrument to evaluate the knowledge, barriers and perception about BCS in a nationwide pilot study in Peru among candidates for BCS. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of 2,558 reports indexed in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Medline-Ovid and EMBASE, regarding to our study theme. In total, 111 were selected and a 51-items survey was developed (eight items about sociodemographic characteristics). Patients were recruited in public hospitals or private clinics, in rural and urban areas of nine departments of Peru. Results: We surveyed 488 women from: Lima (150), Cajamarca (93), Ica (59), Arequipa (56), Loreto (48), Ancash (38), Junín (15), Puerto Maldonado (15) and Huancavelica (14); 27.9% of them were from rural areas. The mean of age was 53.3 years (standard deviation ± 9.1). Regarding education level, 29.8% had primary, 33.2% secondary and 37.0% higher education. In total, 28.7% of women did not know the term ‘mammogram’ and 47.1% reported never receiving a BCS (36.9% from urban and 73.5% from rural population). In women that underwent BCS, only 67% knew it is for healthy women. In total, 54.1% of patients had low levels of knowledge about risk factors for BC (i.e. 87.5% of women respond that injuries in the breast produce cancer). Cultural, economic and geographic barriers were significantly associated with having a mammogram where 56.9% of participants considered a cost ≤ 7 USD as appropriate. Mammogram was perceived as too painful for 54.9% of women. In addition, women with a self-perception of low-risk for BC and a fatalistic perception of cancer were less likely to have a BCS. Conclusion: We found that it is feasible to conduct a large-scale study in Peru. The results of this pilot study highlight an urgent need of extensive education and awareness about BCS in Peru.“Publicación Acceso abierto A rare case of autoimmune dysglycemia syndrome associated with systemic lupus erythematosus and dermatomyositis(Modestum LTD, 2023-04-09) Paz-Ibarra, José; Concepción-Zavaleta, Marcio; Quiroz-Aldave, Juan Eduardo; Kcomt Lam, Mikaela; Huauya, Edwars Gilvonio; Sueldo Espinoza, Diego; Gago Cajacuri, George“Autoimmune dysglycemia syndrome (ADS) is a rare condition that presents as episodes of hypoglycemia as well as hyperglycemia and is classified as insulin autoimmune syndrome (IAS) and type B insulin resistance (TBIR). Autoimmunity plays a key role in the pathogenesis ofthis disorder, as evidenced by the presence of autoantibodies against endogenous insulin or the insulin receptor, and by its association with rheumatologic disorders. Treatment usually includes glycemic control and immunomodulatory agents. We report a case of a 31-year-old woman who was admitted for severe hypoglycemia. Further workup revealed underlying systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with renal involvement. During hospitalization, she continued to experience episodes of fasting hypoglycemia, as well as episodes of postprandial hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia associated with a high serum insulin concentration and positive anti-insulin antibodies were consistent with IAS. Likewise, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia in association with weight loss, acanthosis nigricans, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and normotriglyceridemia strongly suggested TBIR, although testing for antibodies against the insulin receptor was not available in Peru. Immunosuppressive therapy and metformin were indicated, resulting in remission of SLE and ADS. Years later, the patient exhibited features of dermatomyositis, such as Raynaud’s phenomenon, muscular weakness, heliotrope exanthema, and elevated muscle enzymes. Once again, the patient received immunosuppressive therapy. ADS is an infrequent cause of hypoglycemia, and the coexistence of its two pathophysiological mechanisms in a patient with SLE and subsequent development of dermatomyositis is even more rare. Our case is the first one reported describing this association.“Publicación Acceso abierto “A Systematic Review of Earned Value Management Methods for Monitoring and Control of Project Schedule Performance: An AHP Approach “(MDPI, 2022-11-17) Mayo-Alvarez, Luis; Alvarez-Risco, Aldo; Del-Aguila-Arcentales, Shyla; Sekar, M. Chandra; Yáñez, Jaime A.“: Successful project management depends on ensuring the project’s objectives. Within these objectives, technical success is associated with achieving the expectations of the project baseline. The baseline of the project is made up of the definition of the scope (WBS), time (schedule) and costs (S curve) of the project. Directly, the project is expected to be technically successful if it manages to deliver its full scope on schedule and without associated cost overruns. Baseline performance management is how project managers track and control the progress of deliverables, timelines and associated costs. In a traditional approach, for waterfall-type projects that use the critical path paradigm, the baseline performance management tool par excellence is earned value management (EVM). Earned value management, in practice, works well when project costs are monitored and controlled; however, applying this approach to measure the status of the schedule presents serious inconsistencies. Over the last several decades, different variations of the original earned value have been developed to overcome some of these inconsistencies when used to measure project schedule status. Within these variations, we have the critical path earned value; the work in progress earned value; the critical path earned value and the work in progress; the earned schedule; and the critical path earned schedule. Each of these proposals tries to address some weakness of the original earned value management applied to time monitoring and control, for example, considering critical tasks as a focus on monitoring the progress of the schedule, solving the problem of task recognition late finishers, reporting schedule variances in time units and measuring adherence to the project’s schedule (P factor). Due to the exposed situation, it is necessary to determine which alternative of the versions of the original earned value is the most appropriate for the management of the project schedule, considering that there are several evaluation criteria that must be considered. In the present research, a systematic review and comparison of EVM and its variations for measuring project baseline schedule performance are performed to determine the most suitable methods for monitoring and controlling the project baseline schedule. For this purpose, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used, and five comparison criteria are considered: schedule variation focused on critical tasks, recognition and measurement of the delay of tasks that finish late, schedule variation in time units, measurement of schedule adherence (P factor) and software support and development. The result of the AHP performed for comparing the methods shows that the best method for monitoring and controlling the project baseline schedule is the critical path earned schedule because it behaves adequately in comparison with the other methods for the evaluated comparison categories.“Publicación Acceso abierto “A Systematic Review of Earned Value Management Methods for Monitoring and Control of Project Schedule Performance: An AHP Approach “(MDPI, 2022-11-17) Mayo-Alvarez, Luis; Alvarez-Risco, Aldo; Del-Aguila-Arcentales, Shyla; Sekar, M. Chandra; Yáñez, Jaime A.“: Successful project management depends on ensuring the project’s objectives. Within these objectives, technical success is associated with achieving the expectations of the project baseline. The baseline of the project is made up of the definition of the scope (WBS), time (schedule) and costs (S curve) of the project. Directly, the project is expected to be technically successful if it manages to deliver its full scope on schedule and without associated cost overruns. Baseline performance management is how project managers track and control the progress of deliverables, timelines and associated costs. In a traditional approach, for waterfall-type projects that use the critical path paradigm, the baseline performance management tool par excellence is earned value management (EVM). Earned value management, in practice, works well when project costs are monitored and controlled; however, applying this approach to measure the status of the schedule presents serious inconsistencies. Over the last several decades, different variations of the original earned value have been developed to overcome some of these inconsistencies when used to measure project schedule status. Within these variations, we have the critical path earned value; the work in progress earned value; the critical path earned value and the work in progress; the earned schedule; and the critical path earned schedule. Each of these proposals tries to address some weakness of the original earned value management applied to time monitoring and control, for example, considering critical tasks as a focus on monitoring the progress of the schedule, solving the problem of task recognition late finishers, reporting schedule variances in time units and measuring adherence to the project’s schedule (P factor). Due to the exposed situation, it is necessary to determine which alternative of the versions of the original earned value is the most appropriate for the management of the project schedule, considering that there are several evaluation criteria that must be considered. In the present research, a systematic review and comparison of EVM and its variations for measuring project baseline schedule performance are performed to determine the most suitable methods for monitoring and controlling the project baseline schedule. For this purpose, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used, and five comparison criteria are considered: schedule variation focused on critical tasks, recognition and measurement of the delay of tasks that finish late, schedule variation in time units, measurement of schedule adherence (P factor) and software support and development. The result of the AHP performed for comparing the methods shows that the best method for monitoring and controlling the project baseline schedule is the critical path earned schedule because it behaves adequately in comparison with the other methods for the evaluated comparison categories.“Publicación Acceso abierto A systematic review of mental health in rural Andean populations in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic(Frontiers Media SA, 2023-08-17) Moya-Salazar, Jeel; Jaime-Quispe, Alexis; Cañari, Betsy; Moya-Espinoza, Jeel G.; Contreras-Pulache, Hans“Background: COVID-19 has been causing mental health problems around the world, with rural and indigenous peoples likely to be the most aected. This systematic review synthesizes and critically analyzes the existing literature on mental disorders in the rural Andean population in Latin America. Methods: A systematic review with narrative synthesis was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines. We searched nine databases (PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, EMBASE, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Cochrane, Scielo, LILACS, and Latindex), five public prepublication servers (SocArXiv, medRxiv, bioRxiv, SportRXiv, and Preprints), ALICIA, and Google Scholar for articles that included the analysis of mental health problems using data collected from the rural Andean population in Latin America. These were eligible for inclusion. Articles that included NonLatin American populations (including European or African migrants) and studies conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic (since the declaration of national lockdown) were excluded. Results: A total of 23,761 articles were retrieved, 14 of which met the inclusion requirements. Most were cross-sectional (n = 12) and related to anxiety (n = 9), depression (n = 8), and stress (n = 5). The mental health analysis of 5,976 rural dwellers from four countries in Latin America also included gray literature studies (n = 7) that allowed the quantification of mental health problems in adults (n = 7) and adolescents/children (n = 4). Only one study was multinational, and the quality of publications varied. Despite the high frequency of anxiety, depression, and stress symptoms among rural Latin American populations during COVID-19, published research is very limited. This review found preliminary evidence that the frequency of anxiety (45%), depression (27.6%), and stress (33.1%) in the rural population was associated with pandemic restrictions across countries. Measures of other psychiatric problems, such as distress or suicidal ideation, cannot be estimated. Conclusion: Regional-wide studies investigating changes in the frequency of symptoms of mental health problems in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are warranted to inform culturally adapted prevention strategies. This study is limited to a narrative synthesis and may be subject to publication bia“Publicación Acceso abierto Abandono familiar y depresión en el adulto mayor en un Hospital de Ayacucho, 2023(Universidad Norbert Wiener, 2024-01-14) Candela Anampa, Katty Evelyn; Benavente Sánchez, Yennys KatiuskaLa investigación es importante porque los problemas de salud mental en adultos mayores abandonados por sus familias afectan el desarrollo familiar y social. Objetivo: “Determinar la relación entre el abandono familiar y la depresión en el adulto mayor en un Hospital de Ayacucho, 2023”. La metodología: El estudio utilizará el método hipotético-deductivo, el enfoque será cuantitativo y de tipo aplicada o teórico, además de diseño no experimental y correlacional; la población estará conformada por la totalidad de adultos mayores que asisten al Hospital de Coracora, siendo un total de 486 pacientes, la muestra será obtenida a través del muestreo probabilístico, siendo un total de 214 adultos mayores. La técnica que se utilizará será la encuesta y como instrumentos la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica de versión corta (EDG-12), conformada por 12 ítems, el cual se utilizó en el estudio de Quispe, para el segundo instrumento la autora utilizó un instrumento ya utilizado en el estudio de Ramos. Para el primer instrumento no fue necesario la validez ya que fue un instrumento utilizado y ya validado; por lo contrario, para la segunda variable se utilizará la prueba binomial o jueces de expertos con la participación y evaluación de 5 expertos en el tema. Con respecto a la confiabilidad en el primer instrumento no será necesario ya que fue confiable y utilizado en otro estudio utilizando el Coeficiente del Alfa de Cronbach obteniendo como valor 0.80, por otro lado, el cuestionario será confiable a través del Coeficiente del Alfa de Cronbach.Publicación Acceso abierto Abandono familiar y el deterioro del estado emocional de los adultos mayores de la clínica oftalmológica de la selva, 2021.(Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, 2022-01-23) Rosales Ruiz, Elizabeth; Pretell Aguilar, Rosa MariaSe fundamentará mediante la condición que el abandono familiar se considera una parte del aislamiento de un adulto mayor, pudiendo ocasionarse de forma provocada o no intencionada por parte de sus familiares y es un estado subjetivo en el que una persona se siente poco deseada. Así mismos con este estudio se evidenciará que se deja de lado y que se ha olvidado la fuente de soporte primario, que es el estado emocional como parte contribuyente al bienestar del adulto mayor de la Clínica Oftalmológica de la Selva.Publicación Acceso abierto ABC DEL PERÚ S.A.C.(Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, 2017) Espinoza Perez, Roberto Josué; Trinidad Ramos, Guicela MirthaLa presente tesis realiza un estudio de tiempos empleando herramientas de estudio de trabajo, con el fin de detectar las deficiencias que se presentan durante el proceso de elaboración de reportes dentro de una empresa de telecomunicaciones. Con la información obtenida del estudio se plantea mejorar los procesos reduciendo el tiempo empleado en cada actividad. En el primer capítulo se describe el entorno del negocio en la actualidad, el problema de la investigación, los antecedentes de la investigación, los objetivos establecidos, el planteamiento y desarrollo de las alternativas de solución, así como el diseño del artefacto. En el segundo capítulo se determina el cronograma del proyecto y la gestión de riesgos. Finalmente en el tercer capítulo se determina la evaluación técnica y económica del proyecto (VANE, TIRE, BCE, PRE).Publicación Acceso abierto El aborto ético y los criterios para su despenalización(Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, 2015) Cabrera Cabrera, Mauricio Junior; Sisniegas Linares, Flor de MaríaEl presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en el periodo de 2013 a 2015 en el distrito judicial de Lima Norte. En cuanto a su delimitación social, la investigación pretende solucionar el problema sobre los abortos ocurridos en el distrito judicial de Lima Norte y que no fueron denunciados ante el Ministerio Público. Asimismo, se ha pretendido determinar el porcentaje de abortos éticos ocurridos y no denunciados ante el Ministerio Público. Los delitos sexuales en el Perú son todos de ejercicio público, lo cual significa que cualquier persona puede denunciar el hecho, razón por la que, en la presente investigación, se establecerán los motivos por los que las mujeres violadas incurren en abortos éticos.Publicación Acceso abierto El aborto sentimental y la influencia en los trastornos psicológicos en la mujer(Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, 2015) Ramirez Rodriguez, Juan Rider; Sisniegas Linares, Flor de MaríaEl aborto ya de por si es un tema complejo, ya que este puede devenir de diversas circunstancias o causas, pero en esta investigación, lo analizaremos de aquí en adelante como consecuencia de la violación sexual. Quizá un consenso no homogéneo, haga que el tema del aborto sea controvertido y tenga un alto interés global, ya que existe un conflicto entre derechos humanos fundamentales, derecho a la vida y derecho al libre desarrollo de la personalidad, de la persona afectada, a pesar de esto desde una óptica médica técnica, si hay consenso, en cuanto a definiciones de las diferentes causas para abortar, entre ellas las derivadas de la violación sexual. Los procedimientos y los criterios que se apliquen para su tratamiento, determinarán si en el futuro existirá una viabilidad jurídica más amplia, ya que actualmente la norma legal existente sobre esta materia, sólo se refiere a al aborto fuera del matrimonio producto de violación sexual o inseminación artificial no consentida fuera del matrimonio, vislumbrándose una clara discriminación y violación de los derechos fundamentales de las mujeres casadas, en el contexto de artículo 120 de nuestro código penal.