Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Antiviral Treatment against Monkeypox: A Scoping Review 

      Ortiz-Saavedra, Brando; León-Figueroa, Darwin A.; Montes-Madariaga, Elizbet S.; Ricardo-Martínez, Alex; Alva, Niza; Cabanillas-Ramirez, Cielo; Barboza, Joshuan J.; Siddiq, Abdelmonem; Coaguila Cusicanqui, Luis A.; Bonilla-Aldana, D. Katterine; Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J. (MDPI, 2022-11-10)
      Acceso abierto
      During the COVID-19 pandemic, the increase in reports of human monkeypox virus infection cases spreading in many countries outside Africa is a major cause for concern. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the evidence ...
    • “Use of Tangerine Waste as Fuel for the Generation of Electric Current“ 

      Ortiz-Saavedra, Brando; Cabanillas-Chirinos, Luis; Nazario-Naveda, Renny; Gallozzo-Cardenas, Moisés; Diaz, Félix; Delfin-Narciso, Daniel; Rojas-Villacorta, Walter (MDPI, 2023-02-15)
      Acceso abierto
      “Fruit waste has increased exponentially worldwide, within which tangerine is one of those that generates a greater amount of organic waste, which is currently not fully used. On the other hand, microbial fuel cells ...